Wrapping Up The Brain

VISUALIZING THE BRAIN THROUGHOUT HISTORY (intriguing post from Brainpickings)


WOW! That was an intense film! While it is still fresh in YOUR brain, please FILM A “VLOG” REFLECTION and use the following to guide you. (you can also refer to our archived Tweets) – this should be no longer than 5 minutes. POST TO YOUTUBE as Public or Unlisted, then your blog.

1. Grab your phone or Photobooth if you have a Mac. Find a partner to film you/interview you. Think about your answers, but this should be casual and right off the top of your head, not overthought. Please feel free to go outside.

2. Try to pinpoint some IMPLICATIONS (positive and negative) of the “knowledge” acquired.

3. How did the film address the following?

– where the knowledge come from (experiments? studies? observation?)

– how knowledge is acquired / stored (role of emotion, senses, memory, reasoning, etc.)

– how claims could affect OTHER disciplines or how they relate to the “linking questions” such as belief, certainty, ethics, technology, etc.)

4. Finally, what are some ADDITIONAL questions, concerns, personal thoughts and reactions you have to any of the topics addressed? What was the most interesting thing to you and is something you might want to research further? Have you any personal connections to the claims made (example: have you ever felt, while playing sports, you were in “the zone”?)

Here’s a relevant TED talk I found recently: Jon Ronson, “Strange Answers to the Psychopath Test”. We’ll be backchannelling with #tokkailua


Now that you have completed your first curation assignment, you will be asked to share with the class in an effective, yet succinct way. We’ll also talk about your Knowledge Questions. Here’s what to do:

Prepare only 4 slides (use Google Presentation and share to “Anyone with a Link can View”). Each slide should be very visual with not much, if any text. The most effective slides feature a relevant, provoking image and either a word or short phrase (no bullet points!).

The first 3 slides have to do with your article as you present the overview to the class.

The last slide features the questions or at least 1 of your knowledge questions) so we may discuss.

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